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MohammadJavad Jabbari
Full Stack Developer
Ui/UX Designer
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Dating APP : Fewro Policy

Fewro Dating Application – Policy and Privacy Guidelines

Welcome to Fewro, a platform designed to connect individuals seeking meaningful connections. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for our users. To ensure a positive experience, please read and adhere to the following policies and privacy guidelines:

User Conduct and Content Guidelines:

1. Respectful Behavior:

  • Treat others with kindness and respect.
  • Avoid discriminatory language or actions based on race, gender, religion, or any other personal attribute.

2. No Explicit Content:

  • Do not upload, share, or send explicit or pornographic material.
  • Nude or sexually suggestive images are strictly prohibited.

3. No Buying or Selling of Images:

  • Users are prohibited from buying or selling pictures within the application.

4. No Trademark Infringement:

  • Do not use trademarks or copyrighted material without proper authorization.

5. Prohibition of Illegal Activities:

  • The sale or promotion of illegal substances, firearms, or any other illegal activities is strictly prohibited.

6. Authentic Profiles:

  • Users must create and maintain authentic profiles, using genuine information and photos.
  • Impersonation or creating fake profiles is strictly forbidden.

7. Age Restriction:

  • Users must be at least 18 years old to use the Fewro Dating Application.

8. Reporting Inappropriate Behavior:

  • Users are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior or content to our support team immediately.

Privacy Policy:

1. Data Collection:

  • We collect only necessary information for the functionality of the app.
  • User data is securely stored and not shared with third parties without explicit consent.

2. Security Measures:

  • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access.

3. Location Information:

  • Location data is collected only with user consent for the purpose of enhancing the user experience.

4. Communication:

  • Users may receive notifications, updates, or promotional material, but can opt-out at any time.

5. Third-Party Services:

  • Fewro may integrate with third-party services; users are encouraged to review their privacy policies.

6. Account Deletion:

  • Users have the right to request the deletion of their account and associated data.

7. Data Transparency:

  • Users can request information about the data collected and stored about them.

Enforcement and Consequences:

Violating these policies may result in the following actions:

  • Warning
  • Account suspension
  • Account termination

Fewro reserves the right to modify these policies and guidelines at any time. Users are responsible for staying informed about any updates.

Thank you for being a part of Fewro and contributing to a safe and respectful community.